Lost and Found

The Javits Center public safety team manages lost and found for events at the Center. Our lost and found office is open 24 hours per day and can be reached at 212-216-2222 or via email at commandcenterstaff@javitscenter.com. Lost and found items are retained for a specific period of time before being donated pursuant to our policy.

contact us

Whether responding to a general inquiry or answering a specific question, our departments have the expertise to assist. For general inquiries, drop us a line and we can point you in the right direction -- for specifics, our departments can answer your asks. You can find information for our departments below:

Our Departments

Accounts Payable  (212) 216-2000 payables@javitscenter.com
Accounts Receivable  (212) 216-2600 receivables@javitscenter.com
Catering (Cultivated) (212) 216-2400 services@cultivatedny.com
Communications & Public Affairs  (212) 216-2265 sbeardsley@javitscenter.com
Concierge (Show Days Only) (212) 216-2100 concierge1@javitscenter.com
Electrical Solutions  (212) 216-2646 electricalsolutions@javitscenter.com
Emergencies (Medical, Fire) (212) 216-2222
Event Solutions  (212) 216-2300 eventsolutions@javitscenter.com
Exhibitor Solutions (Jake Questions and Ordering) (212) 216-2319 services@javitscenter.com
Freedom of Information Act Inquiries  (212) 216-2122 foil@javitscenter.com
General Inquiries  (212) 216-2000 moreinfo@javitscenter.com
Human Resources  (212) 216-2800 hr@javitscenter.com
Purchasing  (212) 216-2340 purchasing@javitscenter.com
Sales & Marketing  (212) 216-2335 sales@javitscenter.com
Security & Safety Solutions (Lost & Found) (212) 216-2196 security@javitscenter.com
Technology Solutions  (212) 216-5432 technology@javitscenter.com

Learn more

Getting Here

Within New York City, public transportation is always a quick and affordable way to go- and the opening of the new 7 Subway line extension across the street makes the trip even more convenient.
Arriving from out of state? We have directions and helpful tips whether you are arriving by car, train, plane, or more.

More Info
getting here map